Grants for leading researchers
Submission deadline:
Following Switzerland’s non-association to Horizon Europe as of 2021, the SNSF has on the government’s behalf launched the scheme ‘SNSF Ad-vanced Grants’. It is aimed at researchers who intended to apply for an ERC Advanced Grant in 2021.
The scheme is open to all research disciplines and topics.
Scientists of any nationality who want to pursue innovative, high-risk research in Switzerland can apply for an SNSF Advanced Grant.
SNSF Advanced Grants are awarded up to a maximum of CHF 2.5 million for a period of up to 5 years (including 15% overhead paid directly to the host institution).
Currently no funding scheme comparable to the ERC Advanced Grants is available, neither at the SNSF nor elsewhere in Switzerland. The SNSF is therefore offering a transitional measure that is independent of its existing funding schemes. The SNSF will nevertheless ensure that the same research is not funded twice. This means that the same person can hold only one ERC grant or transitional measure for the same research at any given point in time.
More info: https://www.snf.ch/en/SSHTwon4N4v9R79P/funding/horizon-europe-advanced-grants?